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Truth Based Stories

A Collective Flow

project details

Water touches us all and our lives are deeply connected with its flow. No where else is this connection as prominent as in the lives of the agrarian communities. The Reel Nomads travelled to 3 remote villages of Odisha to meet the indigenous people of the land and document their yearly struggles with access to water. With erratic monsoons and long spells of drought, these communities are highly vulnerable to losing their crops and with that their only source of income. Although there are interventions at play. The solutions lie in understanding how water flows and interacts with the environment and it is this very approach that has helped the people change their destiny.


Directed by: Ipshita Bhattacharyya

Cinematography: Romi Dhuriya

Edit & Packaging: Niladri Bhattacharji


End to End Production


Established in 1993, WOTR is an internationally recognised non-profit organisation and think tank that engages at the intersection of practice, knowledge and policy across scales and in collaboration with various stakeholders across sectors. WOTR’s goal is to ensure water and food availability, along with livelihoods and income security – to support the sustainable growth and well-being of vulnerable and disadvantaged communities in rural India.

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